When I was a kid (terrible to say that, would be even worse if I used "When I was young..." a view like this was something unusual, even extraordinary. Well it was impossible. Paradise.

That much conkers lying on the ground, waiting to be collected would be possible right next to Holy Grail. Well, Holy Grail would be more probable.
Nowadays, on that wonderful autumn afternoon that view is nothing strange. You can see it along a crowded walking path, alongside families with children.
The chestnuts are just there. Shining in the Sun. On the path and next to it. Whole and cracked. Shyly looking from the inside of their shell and those shameless, completely naked, warming their curves in the Sun.

And nobody is picking them! Maybe if one developed an application for the smartphones it would be tremendous success. But the true ones lay there, forgotten and unwanted.
It was time, when you had to climb a horse-chestnut tree and shake it to get a conker. Alternatively you could throw a stick into the branches. No nut lied on the ground longer than a ticket to the Moon.
Fortunately, there are some grumpy old people like us. That's the harvest of half an hour beneath a single horse-chestnut tree (just next to playground...).